Band: Sister Sin
Album: True Sound Of The Underground
Hailing from Gothenburg, Sweden, Sister Sin have released their third full length CD "True Sound Of The Underground". I had heard of them before and heard a little of their previous CD "Switchblade Symphony" but wasn't overly impressed, but I kept track of them and then when they announced their new release and I got a listen to the first single "Outrage" I knew I had to hear more. I ordered the CD from Victory Records and I haven't gone a week without listening to it at least once since.
From the first track, Sound Of The Underground, Sister Sin let's you know that they mean business. Sounding like the bastard child of Motley Crue (Too Fast For Love era) and Judas Priest (Screaming For Vengeance era) Liv and the rest of band play catchy yet gritty metal about teenage rebellion and angst. My favorite song is Better Than Them, it just has a great groove and a great message about not caring what other people say or think about you. The closes thing they come to for a ballad is "I Stand Alone", which you can guess by the title is not a love song and definitely rocks. The album is full of anthems, and if you don't catch yourself singing along I don't have much to say about your taste.
I got to see them live last month, you can read the review of the show, I'll just say they were everything I was hoping for I would go see them every chance I got.
Favorite songs: This one is hard, because there aren't any bad songs, but my favorites are probably Better Than Them, Nailbiter, and Beat Em Down.
If you consider yourself a true rock/metal fan then there is no reason you shouldn't check out this band and buy their CD. My only real complaint is the CD booklet, I wish they would of included lyrics. The last thing I have to say is that I believe if there was a male singer singing the same songs Sister Sin would get a lot more attention, and that is a shame because Liv proves that a female can be just as strong and gritty a singer as any guy.
Rating: 9/10
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